Auctioneer AU2425-L


Saturday, September 21, 2024 –  9:00 AM

 To be held at 113 N. Emma Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17112

Located off I81 at Paxtonia & Allentown Blvd


SALE # 2

OLD ENGINES/RELATED :  Hit & miss 3E #133789; Hit & Miss Deleval ½ hp; F.E. Myers 2070 pump; Hit & Miss Mercury 1hp; collection of spark plugs; 1 cyl kick start motors; Sanitary Pump Co D2-1

FARM ANTIQUES:  2 David Bradley walk behind tractors w/attachments; wagon jack; hay tongs; Mark 26 riding mower; wood/iron cider press; Enterprise sausage stuffers; iron tractor seats; grain cradle; Auch & Dromgold York corn sheller; Cleveland iron grind stone; horse collar; old farm tools; milk cans; tractor wrenches; old books; corn cracker

OLD TOOLS:  mortising axes; iron levels; saws; wrenches; post drill press; Model T jacks; RR tongs; lanterns; iron “The Lightning” bike wheel stand; traps; Kendall oil can; tin signs; lock collection; log hooks; early hand tools; wooden leather vise; blacksmith anvil; multi wrenches

MISCELLANEOUS:  old scales; collection of old watch fobs; collection of old advertising buttons & badges; iron meat slicer; Alaskan ice crusher; tin bread riser; cherry seeders; sleds; Griswold pcs; grape seeder; tin giggin lantern; brass bells; modern John Deere toy tractors/farm equipment; old toy trucks; pedal tractor; fire truck pedal car; Lower Paxtion bike licenses; tin butte churn; a lot of pieces not listed


NOTE:  This is the SECOND OF THREE sales for the 70 year collection of the late J. Nelson Pottieger. Mr. Pottieger was a life member to Williams Grove Steam Engine Assoc.

Food stand,  Additional parking at the church

Vivian Pottieger

Terms: Cash, good check,
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421