Friday, January 27, 2023 – 1:30 outside
To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202
4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11
FURNITURE 8:00 PM: 2 pc Lesher made walnut corner cupboard; Lesher canopy bed; Antique oak ice box; nice C1900 2 pc oak kitchen cabinet; C1850 dove tailed painted flour chest; oak washstand; marble top washstand; oak library table; stands; cherry writing arm chair; schl desk; Stickley style oak rocker; sewing machine base table; iron parlor stove; like new Goldmans elec wheelchair; queen beds; wood floor lamps; oak table & chairs; piano stool w/back
FIREMANS COLLECTIBLES: Cumberland Valley & Friendship Firemans helmets; old Fire Co photos; paper items; 1906 Firemans Convention pin; metal buttons-patches; brass hose couplings – Letterkenny; Firemans axe; firetruck toys (plastic, metal, iron), ect Firetruck pedal car; copper fire extinguisher; Fire Co plaques; local fire photos; Franklin – Goodwill Fire Co; ect
MISCELLANEOUS 3:30 PM: collection of local milk bottles; Franklin Co Craftsman book; Chambersburg bottles; Nellie Fox pcs; blue crocks; old baskets; Mickey Mouse tin bucket; lot of framework/pictures; bowl & pitcher set; 1915 Election “Vote the straight Republican Ticket” w/list of candidates; Aunt Jemima door stop; canes; local business photos, set of old ironstone wheat china; china case clock w/rare base; umbrella holder; 1800’s cherry boy & girl; 24 Chambersburg Christmas ornaments; gumball machine; brass kettles; table top phonograph w/horn; foot stool spittoon; glassware/china; J.P. Hand, N.J. duck decoy; modern art glass paper weights; P. deBoulongne bronze woman statue;
Asian porcelain; courting couple statue; banks; 2 Russian enamel beakers; Tiffany vase/salt dip; Stueben paperweight; Libbey compote; slag lamp; Blenko glass; Midge doll in case; cloisonne box; Amphora vase; Babes in the woods (photo); 2 small Chinese bronze vases; End of Day glass sock darner; Chambersburg banks; copper bed warmer; walnut shaving mirror; ect
Severe Storm date: Saturday, January 28, 2023 12:00 Noon
OUTSIDE LINE 1:30 weather permitting: WORKSHOP TOOLS of the late Harold Sommerville, Shippensburg, Troybilt 9.5 hp snowblower; Rigid table saw; 6.5 hp lawn vac; gas edger; air compressor; Dayton Generator; air tools; cordless drills; hand tools; belt/disc sander; saws all; gas trimmer/blower; bench vise; commercial fans; new elec wire; plus usual line of box lots, etc
Terms: Cash, good check 13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L
Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: see pictures on website