Friday, January 3, 2025 – 1:30 outside 3:30 inside
To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202
4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11
FURNITURE 8:00 PM: clean modern furniture; Ethan Allen maple hutch; maple tea cart; 2 pine tall open shelves; curio cabinet; table & chair sets; maple settee; Bakers rack; pine roll top desk; living room set; cherry/mahogany/maple stands; 5 pc modern oak bedroom set; 1930’s spinet desk; refrigerator; 2 upright freezers; plus more
MISCELLANEOUS: slag glass lamp shade; chine case clock; statue; counter scales; old dough tray; blue chine; kerosene lamps; James Riley book; 1920 childs elec stove; baskets; 2 pc contemporary Indian pottery; 2 brass candle stick phones; oak hat mirror; marbles; vintage Christmas; 1900 mahogany pedestal; Snow White & Disney collectibles; 1910 Masonic plate; Lladro figurines; crocks; brass bucket; yellow ware bowl; buttons/sewing goods; Fenton cat jars; blue bird on nest; Mickey Mouse Little Big Wheel; celluloid animals; china pcs; 1930-40’s Valentines; Hamilton wall clock; modern quilts; Schmidt Indian prints; 90’s McDonald toys (Raisinettes, ect); much more
OUTSIDE LINE 1:30: newer Craftsman table saw; table drill press; Bosch mitre saw; bench sander; John Deere snow blower; John Deere push mower; gas weed eater; small tools; usual line of box lots and outside goods
Terms: Cash, good check 13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L
Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: see pictures on website