Friday, September 29, 2023 – 1:30 outside 3:30 inside
To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202
4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11
many more pics week of sale after we set up
FURNITURE 8:00 PM: Nice cherry furniture, handmade by James B. Small Jr; Queen Anne highboy; 4 poster queen bed; QA linen press/chest; 2 QA low boys; QA dressing table; QA dressing mirror; 2 night stands; arts clothes tree; nice stools; high chair; other furniture – oak table w/5 boards; 2 Hickory chairs; early Windsor rocker; mahogany wall table; spool stand; iron Resolute Stove by Vermont Casting Inc, Randolph, Vermont
MISCELLANEOUS 3:30 PM: iron bull dog; sm domestic anvil; mix bowls; crocks; candle mold; old sinker molds;
crocks & jugs; model scale trucks & tractors; Winross; small collectables
GUNS 7:00 PM: Ithica 12g; Rem 16g; Rem 22, Thompson 270 Win w/black powder barrel. Smith & Wesson 357 mag
HUNTING LICENSES 1926 and up, fishing licenses complete 1923-1959; dog tags beginning at 1908
NOTE: Mr. Small has moved to Orrstown Retirement Home.
James B. Small Sr.
and others
OUTSIDE LINE 1:30: metal tubs; snowblower; milk boxes; bee smoker; bees wax; platform scales; traps; garden tools; fish poles; license plates ect much much more to be added
Terms: Cash, good check 13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L
Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: see pictures on website