CLICK HERE TO SEE  PICTURES    more to be added week of sale, almost done setting :) 

sale bill and pictures to come next week after we set up


 Friday, March 31, 2023 – 1:30 outside 3:30 inside

To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202

4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11

 FURNITURE 8:00 PM:  C1900 oak 2 door cabinet; 2 Sellers kitchen cabinets; 1920’s porcelain top table/4 chairs; C1900 oak store display case; “Varsity” Ginger Ale oak soda cooler; Rockola Princess juke box; Blaze Hobby Horse; 2 iron wheel industrial carts old wood shelf cart/T.B. Woods; goat wagon; oak treadle sewing machine; washstand; refrigerator; Jazzy mobility power scooter; modern dining set; like new sofa bed; queen beds; bedroom pcs; many TV;s; etc

MISCELLANEOUS 3:30 PM:  George Washington inaugural button; Andrew Jackson memorial ribbon; 1651 religious pamphlet; 1782 Phila almanac; silver bullet probe; 1885 Artic Cruise reports; mini early portrait painting; Cornelius Bouter painting; 1786 portrait; pr Asian prints; 1924 sport discus; folk & wood hair pc; Weller/Owens vases; wood shoe inkwell; bottle collection – Chambersburg, early, milk bottles – L.R. Shaffer, Mont Alto; early locks; crocks/jugs; PRR caboose lamp; TB Woods items; iron banks; graniteware; Ives print; copper boiler; iron skillets; wood buckets; C&O RR conductor hat; Rayo lamps; colored glass-cranberry ect; brass bells; iron fire alarm box; sets china; set flatware; sterling jewelry; Kitchen Aid mixer; Marlboro neon sign; Holiday items; 2 silver trees; comforts; Elvis decanters; collection of Longaberger baskets; Shirley Temple dolls; much more

TOYS:  T Bird/Fire truck pedal cars; metal RR engine; fire truck; Tonka trucks; Cinderella cleaning set; Black Sambo books; old Campbells doll collectibles; Dilly Dingle; Roy Rogers boots/hat; much more

Note: Full sale

Delbert & Julia McNew Estate

Connie Wagner Estate

OUTSIDE LINE 1:30: iron patio set; park benches; lg iron kettle; black smith peg leg vise; iron/brass kettles; copper boiler; old bottles; planer; tools; fish rod; lots junk boxes; iron fire hydrant; older John Deere riding mower; ect


Terms:  Cash, good check  13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check

Carl E. Ocker –  Auctioneer AU2425-L

Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578       Auction Zip ID # 1421                                   

VISIT OUR WEBSITE:       see pictures on website