July 12, 2024

Kennys Auction



 Friday, July 12, 2024 – 1:30 outside 3:30 inside

To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202

4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11


FURNITURE 8:00 PM:  Like new table & 8 chairs w/hutch; like new blue leather recliner sofa & electric love seat; oak grandfather clock; oak wash stands; J. Raymond Smith, Shippensburg walnut slant front desk & chair; 2 J.R.Smith walnut chest of drawers; 2 night stands, mirror, bed, etc; queen bed; 1930’s porcelain top table & chairs; elec lift chair; whit cook stove; blanket chest; oak hall tree; old yarn winder; Easy Travel classic Lexis Light scooter by Tzora

HUNTING 7:00 PM:  2) 12g;  2) 22’s; fishing rods; BB guns

MISCELLANEOUS 3:30 PM:  Modern Indian pottery; oak mission wall clock; wooden duck decoys; coffee grinder; Waterford; collection of colored glass shoes & Moon & Stars; clarinet; Bose radio; brass lamps; motion lamp; WWII Vetern Capt W.D. Rolar, Shippensburg photo album of Germany during the war (destruction, concentration camps, etc); collection of letters sent home; German flag; iron skillets; wooden churn; graniteware; Indian post cards; pyrex; Indian TV lamp; metal animals; 2 washbowl & pitcher sets; Valley Quarries gift pcs; construction watch fobs; set flatware; wagon bench; apple peeler; few old toys; Empire clock; comforts; pocket knives; ladies wrist watch; 4 signed pins  see pics, so much more

NOTE: Good pieces from several area homes

OUTSIDE LINE 1:30: Misc tools; Snap On clock; snowblower; 4 iron wheels; fish items; racing collectibles; wheelbarrow; box lots; much more

 Terms:  Cash, good check  13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check

Carl E. Ocker –  Auctioneer AU2425-L

Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578       Auction Zip ID # 1421                                   

VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.kennysauction.com       see pictures on website