Friday, February 14, 2025 – 1:30 outside 3:30 inside
To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202
4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11
FURNITURE 8:00 PM: Modern oak pieces; reproduction country style furniture; 3 oak china closets; curio cabinets; modern bedroom set; jewelry armoire; oak platform rocker; modern country hall tree; chest of drawers; plus more; 1920’s Koken Green Barbers chair; 4 nice walkers
MISCELLANEOUS 3:30 PM: Small primitive pieces and reproduction country primitive pieces; crocks & jugs; redware pcs; collection of Blue Fire King glassware; vintage Christmas pcs; Fenton glass pcs; Swarovski crystals; Hummels; Pyrex; granite ware; jewelry; Baughman Big Hauler train set; Denim Days figures; Snowbabies; Barbie, Skipper, Ken dolls with labeled clothes; Kitchenaide mixer
100+ LOTS OF creek & field finds, of flint rock, arrowheads & pcs LIST BELOW
OUTSIDE LINE 1:30: Troybilt 30″ riding mower; air compressor; misc tools; usual line of box lots and misc items
Terms: Cash, good check 13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L
Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421
This artifact sale includes something for all levels of collectors. There are box lots of partials and various lithic materials that will help both the beginner and the avid collector learn more about the history of some of our Native people and the tools they made. These box lots would be a great way to introduce a group of boy scouts or other youth to the amazing history that can be discovered on local native sites. There are exceptional artifacts as well, that experienced collectors will want to add to their collection. There will be artifacts from Franklin and Cumberland County, Lancaster County, Kentucky, Ohio and a few other states. With the increased development of land and many farmers now using no-till practices the opportunities to acquire native artifacts are becoming more and more scarce. In addition to 140 lots of artifacts, there will be various books related to archaeology, artifacts and lives of the native people. Many of these books would be good resources for either identifying artifacts or being coming more educated in the excavation of prehistoric sites.
Lot # | Description |
1 | Berks County near Newmanstown. Rhyolite, sugar, rose, and grey quartz. Grey flint artifacts. Damaged kaolin pipe stem.
2 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Box lot. Hammerstones. Mix of lithics, including partial scrapers, flint hand hoe, etc.
3 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Mixture of eight (8) scrapers, small choppers, variety of flint.
4 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Four (4) large mainly flint crude axes and choppers.
5 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Four (4) large artifacts. Rhyolite blank and two (2) flint tools.
6 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Thirteen (13) partial drills. Variety of style. Mixture of flints.
7 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Five (5) nice scrapers. Variety of flints.
8 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Eight (8) various-sized scrapers and flint celt-like tool.
9 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Eight (8) artifacts, some partials. Many appear to be paleo or archaic period. All flint materials. Some are fluted.
10 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Partial points and spears. Variety of flint and demonstrate various basal types.
11 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Partial points and spears. Variety of flint and demonstrate various basal types.
12 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Flint and rhyolite partials; includes points and spears.
13 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Partial points and spears. Variety of flint and demonstrate various basal types.
14 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Partials, mostly bird points or small points.
15 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Variety of partials, flint, rhyolite, quartz.
16 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Variety of larger partials, rhyolite, colorful flint.
17 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Variety of small partials, flint and rhyolite.
18 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Variety of small partials, flint and rhyolite.
19 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Variety of partials, good examples of pressure flaking. Demonstrates various bases.
20 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Variety of flint partials.
21 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Rhyolite and flint partials.
22 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Rhyolite and flint partials.
23 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Box of nine (9) rhyolite artifacts, blanks, scrapers, spears.
24 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Bag of rhyolite and flint partials.
25 | Scottsville, Kentucky. Six (6) good examples of hafted flint scrapers, which Native Americans reworked from spears.
26 | Scottsville, Kentucky. Ten (10) flint bird points or small arrowheads.
27 | Scottsville, Kentucky. Twelve (12) flint artifacts; mixture of points, spears, and scrapers.
28 | Scottsville, Kentucky. Box lot of partials, some very large, excellent examples of pressure flaking, serrated edges and bases.
29 | Belleville, Pennsylvania. Box lot of partials, scrapers, large points and blanks, mostly rhyolite with some quartz.
Lot # | Description |
30 | Schullery, P., Ed. (2008). Norris on Trout Fishing: A Lifetime of Angling Insights.
Beard, H. & McKie, R. (1983). Fishing: An Angler’s Dictionary
31 | Roberts, K., Ed. (n.d.). Indians of New Mexico.
32 | National Audubon Society. (1958). Nature Program: Reptiles and Amphibians
33 | American Antiquity. (July 2020). Society for American Archaeology, 85, (3).
34 | Fundaburk, E. L., & Foreman, M. D., Eds. (1957). Sun Circles and Human Hands: The Southeastern Indians – Art and Industry.
35 | Miles, C. (1963). Indian & Eskimo Artifacts of North America.
36 | Howe, C. B. (1968). Ancient Tribes of the Klamath Country.
37 | Sutton, F. (1965). The How and Why Wonder Book of North American Indians.
38 | Munger, L., curator. (1961). Indian Relic Price Guide.
39 | Seaman, N. G. (1946). Indian Relics of the Pacific Northwest.
40 | Jones, J. C. (1973). The American Indian in America, Volume I: Prehistory to the End of the 18th Century.
Jones, J. C. (1973). The American Indian in America, Volume II: Early 19th Century to the Present.
41 | Strong, E. (1959). Stone Age on the Columbia River.
Stoutenburgh Jr., J. (1960). Dictionary of the American Indian.
42 | Berks County. Box lot of lithics. Quartz, jasper, flint, etc.
43 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Four (4) crude rhyolite artifacts.
44 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Seven (7) nice flint artifacts, most showing skilled knapping, scrapers and points.
45 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Three (3) wedge points, bird point, and small stemmed point. All flint.
46 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Five (5) good examples of small hafted flint scrapers, which Native Americans reworked from spears.
47 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Small 4-inch, full-groove stone axe. Plow damage to backside.
48 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Two (2) large, flaked tools and smaller flaked celt.
49 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Eight (8) good examples of hafted flint scrapers, which Native Americans reworked from spears.
50 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Three (3) flaked flint tools, mid-sized.
51 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Exceptional 2 1/4-inch pestle with a 2-inch very smooth base
52 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Tray-full of drill pieces, variety of styles, flint or rhyolite.
53 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Five (5) good bird points, variety of styles, all flint.
54 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. Five (5) flint scrapers, one is beautiful, specked light-pink flint.
55 | Near Scottsville and Glasgow, Kentucky. A mix of seven (7) flint scrapers.
56 | West Virginia. Small bag of partials.
57 | Port Royal, Virginia. Pottery pieces and small bone fragment from cave finding.
58 | Port Royal, Virginia. Variety of partials, including large spear halves. Rose, sugar, white, and clear quartz.
59 | Variety of natural crystals found while artifact hunting.
60 | Manheim, Pennsylvania. Container full of partials and pieces, various quartz, jasper, and argillite.
61 | Manheim, Pennsylvania. Box full of partials, all argillites.
62 | Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Box full of chippings from Native site, quartz and jasper.
63 | Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Box full of partials, flakes, broken hammerstones, variety of lithics.
64 | Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Pottery pieces (not Native American), most likely from the late 1700’s and 1800’s.
65 | East Petersburg, Pennsylvania. Small box of partials, including quartz, flint and rhyolite, and fresh-water oyster shells often found on Lancaster sites.
66 | Various Lancaster County, PA fields. Partials of spears, points, scrapers, and
fresh-water oyster shells often found on Lancaster sites. Quartz, jasper, argillite.
67 | Manheim, PA. Large container of partials, hammerstones, worked pieces, including three-quarters grooved axe. Variety of materials.
68 | Lancaster County, PA. Nine (9) quartz artifacts, scrapers, and points.
69 | Lancaster, PA. Good collection of six (6) scrapers, showing common lithics (red and brown jasper, black flint, crystal quartz, rhyolite, argillite.
70 | Lititz, PA. Six (6) small spears or points. Variety of materials and calcedony scraper.
71 | Lancaster County, PA. Box of large flakings and worked pieces. Variety of quartz. Some could be used for practice with flint knapping.
72 | Lancaster County, PA. Bag of partials. Various materials.
73 | Lancaster County, PA. Bag of partials. Various materials.
74 | Lancaster County, PA. Bag of partials and scrapers. Good mix of lithics.
75 | Lancaster County, PA. Bag of large partials and pieces. Mixed materials.
76 | Pequea Creek, Lancaster County, PA. Bag of partials and pieces. Mostly quartz.
77 | Mill Creek, Lancaster County, PA. Container full of partials. Nice mixture including variety of jasper.
78 | Lancaster County, PA. Nice sample of scrapers showing variety of lithics (jasper, quartz, flint).
79 | Lancaster County, PA. Large box showing good collection of hammerstones with other stone tools and worked pieces.
80 | Lancaster County, PA. Box of 14 points: including spears, small projectile points and bird points (rhyolite, quartz, hard flint, and argillite).
81 | Lancaster County, PA. Five (5) scrapers or cutting tools (Jasper with brown and red tones, clear quartz, grey flint, and rose quartz).
82 | Lancaster County, PA. Eight (8) artifacts: 3 spears, 2 triangular points, 2 bird points and a small drill (white, clear and sugar quartz, rhyolite, argillite).
83 | Lancaster County, PA found along Mill Creek. Box of partials, with some nearly complete artifacts, bags contain collector field notes, a great variety of material found in one location.
84 | Lancaster County, PA. Container of fresh-water oyster shells found on various native sites. These shells were used for simple digging tools, making pendants, small round beads and other jewelry and were an important temper medium for making pottery.
85 | Manheim, PA. Box lot of partials, pieces, scrapers, near complete artifacts. Collector had separated bases from tops trying to find matches. One bag contains a variety of damaged wedge points. Mostly varieties of quartz and rhyolite with a little jasper.
86 | Lancaster County, PA. Three (3) thin rhyolite blanks or basic spears (largest is 3 inches)
87 | Lancaster County, PA. Eight (8), mostly spear heads made of various quartz, rhyolite or argillite – one is especially wide – 1 1/2 inches
88 | Lancaster County, PA – found near springhead in Kinzers area. Box of partials and a few oyster shells. Variety of materials
89 | Lancaster County, PA – found in Intercourse area. Box of partials, pieces and scrapers. Mostly quartz
90 | Lancaster County, PA (6) examples of pre-forms. Agrellite, rose quartz and rhyolite
91 | Lititz, PA Cigar box of partials, and pieces. Some near complete. Good variety of quartz many demonstrating how native craftsmen could make smooth this very hard material. Look for the “heart-breaker” jasper Perkiomen.
92 | Lititz, PA. Shoebox full of partials, pieces, hammerstones. Tips of large grey quartz spears.
93 | Lancaster County – along Pequea Creek – box of partials, pieces, small hammerstone, scrapers.
94 | Lititz, PA near Hammer Creek – box of partials, pieces, scrapers, flakes of various materials.
95 | Lancaster, PA. Box of partials, pieces, hammerstones, scrapers.
96 | Lititz, PA. Box of partials, scrapers, preforms and pieces. Some near complete. Jasper partials and worked pieces, parts of large grey quartz spears
97 | Lititz, PA. Box of partials, scrapers, flakes and pieces. Collector has bags separated by material type. Good box for studying PA lithics.
98 | Lancaster, PA. Six (6) small projectile points. Sugar, grey and white quartz, chalcedony and unknown reddish stone material.
99 | Mostly Lancaster, PA Five (5) jasper tools, scrapers. The scraper marked #10 is from Bino, PA near Greencastle.
**Special Note: All artifacts marked “Bino, PA” were found outside of Greencastle along the West Branch of the Conococheague Creek. Collector note states they were found starting in 1931 and the years following.
100 | Bino, PA. Seven (7) spearheads – demonstrate good variety of rhyolite including purple toned.
101 | Bino, PA. Eight (8) artifacts: 6 spears (rhyolite or grey quartz), crescent flint scraper and rhyolite scraper
102 | Bino, PA. 5 small projectile points. (rhyolite, sugar quartz and flint) |
103 | Bino, PA. 2 ½ inch exceptional white quartz spearhead, extremely well made, thin. It is rare to have a surface found quartz spearhead this well made that was not damaged by farm equipment.
104 | Bino, PA. Eight (8) mid-size spears various forms of rhyolite including reddish-purple and black flint. Although there is obviously damage to the brown flint, serrated edged spear and the sugar quartz they both are good examples of a native’s skill level with knapping.
105 | Bino, PA Five (5) well made, thin triangle points. (mostly rhyolite and 1 black flint with white specks)
106 | Bino, PA. Three (3) very thin small points. One (1) extra small triangle point (7/8 inch long), very thin, beautiful mix of brown and red jasper. One (1) unusual, bifurcated rhyolite archaic style point. One (1) super thin red and brown jasper point. It appears to be possible paleo-era point. Unfortunately, bottom corner of base has plow damage.
107 | Bino, PA. Nice variety of seven (7) mostly rhyolite bird points.
108 | Bino, PA. Three (3) longer rhyolite spears. Largest is 3 inches.
109 | Bino, PA. Four (4) white or milky quartz arrowheads. One has worn serrated edges.
110 | Bino, PA. Five (5) broad, Perkiomen style points. (rhyolite and flint)
111 | Bino, PA. Four (4) small artifacts – Three triangular points (quartz, chalcedony, and flint) and a very well-made quartz bird point.
112 | Bino, PA. Six (6) rhyolite arrowheads. Good examples of various bases.
113 | Bino, PA. Four (4) rhyolite spearheads.
114 | Bino, PA. Three (3) nice large triangular points. Largest is 1 ¾”.
115 | Bino, PA. Three (3) rhyolite artifacts: large spearhead (2 ¾”), pre-formed spear, triangular point.
116 | Bino, PA. Four (4) rhyolite drills, one with worn serrated edges.
117 | Bino, PA. Long, thin, well-made rhyolite spear (4 3/8” long; 1 ¼” wide)
118 | Bino, PA. Beautiful thin, well-knapped quartzite point. Slight damage on right ear. Edges and point still very sharp. (2” long)
119 | Belleville, PA. Box lot of partials. Various sizes. Mostly rhyolite with a small amount of quartz.
120 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Bag of partials. Mostly rhyolite.
121 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Bag of partials. Mostly rhyolite.
122 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Bag of partials. Mostly rhyolite.
123 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Bag of partials. Mostly rhyolite.
124 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Twelve (12) rhyolite artifacts. Variety of rhyolite including reddish purple.
125 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Ten (10) rhyolite artifacts. Includes several different types of bases made of different styles of rhyolite.
126 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Boxed lot of rhyolite artifacts.
127 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Small box of mostly rhyolite artifacts, some partial, some nearly whole.
128 | Local (Franklin/Cumberland County). Box of partials, mostly rhyolite, but also contains unusually colored flint, which would not be common to the area.
*The following artifacts are from Ohio, acquired from another collector. Specific origin unknown. Material appears to come from the Flint Ridge area of Ohio.
129 | Ohio. Three (3) serrated edge spearpoints: white, cream, and black flint.
130 | Ohio. Exceptional quality Very thin, cream flint. (2 5/8” long). It appears to be Pedernales point however these are typically more common in the Texas area.
131 | Ohio. Two (2) small well-made arrowheads: (1) Black-grey flint, which is side-notched, and (1) green stone, which is corner-notched.
132 | Ohio. Beautiful (2 5/8”) marbled flint, dovetail spear. Thin. Great craftsmanship.
133 | Ohio. Dark flint, turkey-tail based point, thin and well made. End of base has slight damage. 2 ¾” long.
134 | Ohio. Decatur-style notched blade, 2 ½” long, 1 ½” wide. Beautiful cream flint. Exceptional craftmanship.
135 | Ohio. Two (2) pieces. Beautiful glossy pink and tan flint drill. 2 ¼” long.
Oyster bead. 5/8” diameter.
**Special Note: The following artifacts marked “Fayetteville, PA” are from Mount Cydonia and the surrounding area.
Sand wash areas – 1948 to 1971
136 | Fayetteville, PA. Four (4) triangular points and one (1) bifurcated point. Mostly rhyolite, sharp. One triangular point is mixed red and brown jasper, shark-tooth appearance.
137 | Fayetteville, PA. Five (5) rhyolite projectile points. Various base styles.
138 | Fayetteville, PA. Two (2) long spears. Longest is 3 3/8” nice, thin flint/rhyolite. Second is 3” long, light-speckled rhyolite.
139 | Fayetteville, PA. Five (5) rhyolite spearheads. Longest is 2 ½”.
140 | Fayetteville, PA. Seven (7) bird points/small arrowheads. Mostly rhyolite, with one made of black flint.
141 | Fayetteville, PA. Eight (8) projectile points. Various types of rhyolite.
142 | Fayetteville, PA. Three (3) large rhyolite spearheads. Largest is 3 ¼”.
143 | Fayetteville, PA. Six (6) arrowheads or projectile points. Variety of rhyolite.
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144 | Fayetteville, PA. Six (6) striped or specked rhyolite arrowheads. Variety of bases including bifurcated.
145 | Fayetteville, PA. Five (5) rhyolite spearheads. Most around 2 ½” long.
146 | Fayetteville, PA. Three (3) unique rhyolite artifacts: Well-rounded scraper; large triangular spear (2 ½” x 2”); stemmed, concave spear (2 ½” x 1 ½”).
147 | Fayetteville, PA. Four (4) nice rhyolite spearheads. Variety of base types. Largest is 2 ¼”.
148 | Fayetteville, PA. Four (4) long spearheads. Longest is 3 1/8” long.
149 | Fayetteville, PA. Four (4) rhyolite broadspears. Largest is 2 3/8” long.
150 | Fayetteville, PA. Think, well-worked rhyolite blade. 5 1/8” x 1 ¾”.
151 | Fayetteville, PA. Very nice thin rhyolite blade. 6 5/8” x 2”.
152 | Fayetteville, PA. Exceptional 6 ¾” x 2 ¾”, crystal-specked rhyolite blade.
Very thin with sharp edges.