Friday, December 13, 2024 – 1:30 outside 3:30 inside
To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202
4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11
FURNITURE 8:00 PM: Variety of clean modern furniture, living room, bedroom; tables & chairs; custom mahogany 4 drawer New England chest; mahogany queen size sleigh bed; full line 1860’s cast iron dinner bell
MISCELLANEOUS: Marquis Waterford crystal; soft pasteware; ABC plate; Tiffany style table lamps; German cider set; blue opalescent water set; vase of blown glass balls; Chinese porcelain canton lamp; flatware set; Engle Blue Willow set; some sterling; collection of Madame Alexander/Barbie dolls in boxes; horse hames/collar; Pyrex bowl sets; sets Longaberger; knife collection(nice pocketknives, boxed, swords, etc, new); Nice Vintage Christmas pcs (Noma lites), Bubble Brite candolier; 2 silver trees; cast tree stand; Mickey lites; small mahogany boxes; Christmas; framework; much much more please see the pictures; nice kitchen stuff; boxes costume jewelry; please see pictures; much much more
NOTE: Last sale before Christmas; Gift Cards & food
OUTSIDE LINE 1:30: line of modern wood shop tools; fruit press; fruit grinder; table saw; planer; dust collector; solar panels; ramps; hand & power tools; full line of usual run of goods
Terms: Cash, good check 13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L
Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: see pictures on website