Auctioneer AU2425-L


Saturday, December 2, 2023 –  9:00 AM


To be held at 758 Carl Circle, State Line, PA 17263 located from Main St to East Ave approx. 1 mi to Skyline Dr to Carl Circle



HOUSEHOLD:  2 pc recliner sofa/love seat; table & ladder back chairs; Samsung tv on stand; set Noritake Cook-N-Serve china; elec heater; robot and Oreck sweepers; lava lamp; bookshelf; bedroom set; queen bedding; Pyrex; set flatware; knives; Stainless Steel pots/pans; a lot of small household items

OUTSIDE:  John Deere 175 Hydro riding mower; A Chalmer B208 Super riding mower; Craftsman compressor; mower lift; alum ramp; trimmer; power washer; snowblower; push mower; garden tools; alum car rims; alum ext /step ladders; wheelbarrow; pole saw; chain saw; lot of hand tools; power tools; Rockwell table saw; Craftsman machinist lathe; drill press; 1 ½ size Patriot gun safe; wrench sets; ; several tool cabinets-chests; Wilton bench vise; nail pullers; hatchets; lot of garage odds/ends; work bench; 2 wheel cart w/title; nice patio sets

NOTE: Mr Cooper has moved to assisted living. Complete clean out

Floyd & the late Deidre Cooper


Terms: Cash, good check,
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421