Friday, December 30, 2022 – 1:30 outside
To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17202
4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11
FURNITURE 8:00 PM: Nice wide C1900 oak curved glass china closet; walnut drop leaf table; mahogany inlaid tilt top tables; marble top stands; modern dry sink; 2 recliners; 50’s bedroom set; rockers; oak wash stand; smaller 1800’s iron floor safe; 2 room size hand braided rugs; old painted dry sink; cedar chest; Burns, Chambersburg early rockers; dough tray; formal cherry table w/8 chairs – breakfront cabinet; cherry corner cabinet; curio cabinets; Ridgeway clock; 2 lift chairs; Centurion gun safe; kitchen cabinet; etc
MISCELLANEOUS 3:30 PM: Brass piano lamp; 2 Ira Lesher mantel clocks; many brass Rayo lamps w/painted shades; lot of pressed glass; cake stands; Nippon pcs; china; pattern glass; Fostoria; old frame work; Banjo clock; cuckoo clock; mirrors; 1915 porcelain license plate; Denby; Texaco tins/trucks/collectibles (some old); yelloware bowls; crocks; kerosene lamps; tire ashtrays; wooden handle knives/forks; spice box; brass candle sticks; pretzel flasks; Welty Bridge print; bookends; much much more not listed
NOTE: Several nice items from a Waynesboro home.
OUTSIDE LINE 1:30: Like new Columbia 10hp snow blower; new bike; Tool chest; hand tools; old license plates; step & ext ladders; usual line of box lots
Terms: Cash, good check 13% Buyers premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check
Carl E. Ocker – Auctioneer AU2425-L
Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Auction Zip ID # 1421
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: see pictures on website